

Campaign for raising awareness on rare diseases in cooperation with the Association of Doctors in general family medicine. 

Posters and flyers in Macedonian and Albanian languages.

Flyers in Macedonian langauge

Flyers in Albanian langauge

Posters in Macedonian langauge

Posters in Albanian langauge


This document is a translation from the EURORDIS document – 

This document is a translation from the EURORDIS document on Equity for rare diseases –

This document is a translation from the EURORDIS position paper on newborn screening.  ( ):

Informative brochure – LIFE WITH CHALLENGES – 2020 – Macedonian language

This brochure is a translation from the brochure of the European agency of medicines so that the patients can be informed on the biosimilar medicines.

Brochure marking 10 year anniversary of LIFE WITH CHALLENGES

Informative brochure for Rare Disease Day 2019

Research study on rare disease 2015

Brochures from the conferences in March, 2014

Brochure – European regulative and recommendations in the field of rare diseases

Nacionalen plan za retki bolesti – broshura – National plan for rare diseases – Macedonian and English

Brochure from Rare Disease Day – 2014

Брошура – Ден на ретки болести Web – Rare Disease Day 2014 in Macedonian, translated from the rare disease day message and EURORDIS brochure princeps_document-EN

Brochures with patient stories

– Brosura – Prikazni na pacienti – Macedonian Version

– Brochure – Patient Stories – English version / Англиски

Informative brochures for rare diseases in Macedonian 

– Gaucher brochure in Albanian

– Gaucher brochure in Macedonian

– MPS – Mucopolysaccharidosis brochure in Macedonian

– Болест на Гоше – Gaucher Disease

– Епидермолисис Булоса – Epydermolysis Bulossa

– Наследна Тирозинемија – Hereditary Tyrosinemia

– Фенилкетонурија – Phenilketonyria

– Хередитарен Ангиоедем – Hereditary Angioedema

– Болеста Помпе – Pompe disease

– Алажил Синдром (1) – Allagile Syndrome

– МДС Каталог Web – Myelodisplastic Syndrome catalog

– Коскена срж Web – Blood marrow


Learning about rare diseases project

Just click on the links bellow and you can read about different diseases in albanian and macedonian language.

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