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Кои сме ние?

Здружение на граѓани за ретки болести

„Живот со Предизвици“

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title  Who are we?

The association of citizens for rare disease “Life With Challenges” is founded by parents and patients who face life with rare diseases in the year 2009.

Information on rare diseases

Here you can read more on rare diseases, what they are, how are they inherited, why is the rare disease registry important and similar information.


Association of citizens for rare disease “Life With Challenges”  Tel – 070 705 446, Email –


Here you can download different brochures in Macedonian language regarding information on rare diseases, EU regulative on rare diseases, brochures with patient stories, brochures from EURORDIS translated in Macedonian and other information.




Our team

“We decided that we are not going to keep on living on the margins of our society. We deserve quality life as all the other citizens in Macedonia.
Our mission is to provide better quality of life and treatment for the patients with rare diseases in Macedonia.”

Vesna Aleksovska, President of the assocation,


The work of LIFE WITH CHALLENGES is supported by: