Dear members and supporters,
The Association of citizens for rare diseases “Life with Challenges”, this year will climb the top Great Korab on 8th of September, in organization of the Mountain Climbing Club Korab from Skopje.
If you are interested in this challenge please join us and clim Great Korab in the name of the patients with rare diseases, with a goal for raising public awareness and improving quality of life of patients and families that face life with rare diseases. Our group name is “To the top, for better life!”. Write on our e-mail address:, and climb the top for the association of rare diseases.
The Mountain Climbing Club Korab from Skopje is organizing this event traditionally, for the 22nd time. The event will take place on September 8, 2013 (Sunday). The route of the climb to GOLEM KORAB (2764m a.s.l.) is 18160m long, altogether. It is marked and the guides from the Club KORAB will provide assistance to the participants. There will be four points on the route for first aid help. Drinking water will be found on several spots on the route. The starting point is on 1450 m a.s.l.
Support for organization of the rare disease group: Club Korab, Genzyme/Sanofi Aventis, Concept Marketing and Communications.
More information about the organization from the Club Korab you can find on the following link:

Info about the association:
Здружението на граѓани за ретки болести „Живот со Предизвици“ е основано за помош и поддршка на пациенти и семејства. Заедно сакаме да креираме подобар живот за пациентите со ретки болести.
Shoqata e qytetarëve për sëmundje të rralla “Jeta me Sfida” u themelua me qëllim për të ndihmuar dhe mbështetur pacientët dhe familjet. Së bashku ne mund të krijojmë një jetë më të mirë për pacientët me sëmundje të rralla.
The association of citizens for rare diseases “Life With Challenges” is founded for support and help of patients and families. Together we want to create a better life for patients with rare diseases.
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