Thursday June 13th, 2013

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Child protection rights

Financial help from the Ministry of Labor and social policy

Child with specific needs and disabilities regarding  this law is a child with:

–  difficult, more difficult, the most difficult physical disabilities;

–  moderate, difficult or deep mental disability;

–  most difficult forms of chronic illness;

– very high degree of impaired vision, hearing or speech (blind person or practically blind person, deaf person or practically deaf person, person with absence of speech, person with impaired speech because of child paralysis, person with autism, person with lost  ability to speak)  and

–  different kinds of disabilities (combined) in development)

The right to financial help belongs to one of the parents of the child, legal guardian or person with permission (permission from the center for social work) to raise the child in R. Macedonia if the child is a citizen of R. Macedonia, until  the age of 26 years, if the child is not in a state institution.

The financial help is  4.202 MKD.

The amount is aligned considering the increase of costs for life from the previous year published from the National Institute for Statistics, in January for the current year.  

The procedure for achieving or extending the right to financial help shall be initiated upon the request of the parent or guardian of the child.

Request to exercise the right with required documentation is submitted to the center for social work, responsible for the area where the applicant resides.

The right to financial help is realized from the first day of the month following the request.

The user of the right to financial help is obligated to notify the social work center about any change in the facts and circumstances that were the basis for a financial help within 15 days from the date when such changes occur.

The request for extension of the right to financial help for the next year shall be submitted by 31 March of that year.

If a request for extension of the right for financial help is filed after the deadline, the applicant will obtain the continuation of the right at the first day of the month following the month in which the application for extension is filed.

HAE World Day, 2013


The association of citizens HAE Macedonia organized a concert at the city park to mark the HAE world day on 18th of May. At the concert there were a lot of performers as: Zlata Meglenska, Natalija Slaveva, Angelina Stojanovska, Igor Uzunov, Anja Veterova, EUREKA, Sara Markoska, Nade Talevska, Bojana Atanasovska, Aleksandar Belov, Kulturno Umetnicki Rabotnici, Andrej Anchevski. 

In a pleasant, relaxed and war atmosphere the voice of patients was heard and they appealed that is time for Macedonia to make a step forward towards provision of therapy and treatment for the patients.

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Students from the Medical Faculty, members of EMSA and activists from MOF volunteered at the event and they shared leaflets with information about HAE as a  rare disease.



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