Thursday July 4th, 2013

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Education activity of Life With Challenges and HAE Macedonia

The association of citizens for rare diseases LIFE WITH CHALLENGES, together with the association of citizens HAE Macedonia, in cooperation with the Medical High School Jane Sandanski from Shtip, organized an educative lecture for rare diseases, on 28th of June, 2013th.


The present students had a possibility to get to know the associations and their work much closer and they were able to get basic information regarding diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of rare diseases as: Gaucher, Allagile Syndrome, and Hereditary Angioedema.


This educative lecture was just a beginning of a fruitful cooperation with the  Medical High School Jane Sandanski from Shtip, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share knowledge and information with students in an innovative way, where lecturers are the patients and parents themselves as they have great experience in coping and living with rare diseases.


Education of students is important as they will be the future medical professional in which will care for the future patients.

We are sure that this cooperation will continue in future and we hope that other schools and faculties will embrace this opportunity to expand knowledge in the area of rare diseases in order to contribute to early diagnosis and timely and appropriate treatment for the patients.


These activities will continue further with a goal to increase and activate membership and volunteers and to share knowledge and expertise in the area of rare diseases.



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