Rare Disease Day Flag under water for New Year, 25 December, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia

Rare Disease Day Flag under water for New Year, 25 December, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia

For the 15th time, the members of the Dicing centre Amfora, and the Club for under water activities Ohrid, in cooperation with the Alliance for under water activities of Macedonia, decorated the Christmas tree under water in Ohrid lake, Macedonia. Traditionally as every year they decorated the tree in the lake at the Bay of Bones. Even the youngest members of the diving club participated in this activity.


This year the Ohrid divers dedicated the decoration to the children with rare diseases in Macedonia. Goran Balevski said that this year they decided to sent a message to the public for support of the children with rare diseases.
This cooperation was made possible with the efforts of our member Gordana Loleska from Ohrid.

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