Program for rare diseases of the Ministry of Health

The first program for rare diseases at the Ministry of health is from the year 2009 and it included 3 patients with MPS 2 – Hunter syndrome

Програма за ретки болести 2009 година – Program for 2009 in Macedonian language

There were no further changes until 2015 .

  1. Program for 2012  –   Програма за лекување на ретки болести во РМ за 2012 година – in Macedonian language
  2. Program for 2013  –   PROGRAMA ZA LEKUVAWE NA RETKI BOLESTI VO REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA ZA 2013 GODINA – in Macedonian language
  3. Program for 20126 –    Programa za lekuvanje na retki bolesti vo R.M. za 2016 – in Macedonian language

For the first time in 2016 there are finances for diagnosis and education.

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