Rare disease day in Bitola 2021

Rare disease day in Bitola 2021

In Bitola LIFE WITH CHALLENGES, organized different activities with the help of Hepar center Bitola, Interact club Bitola, gymnasium Josip Broz Tito Bitola and the municipality of Bitola. Many other schools and individuals joined in the activities for support of rare diseases.

Coloring hands, telling stories, sharing information in Bitola

Activities in the center of the city – sharing colored paper hands

Illumination of the municipality building in Bitola

Educative discussion on rare diseases, and stories from patients from Bitola


Kliment Ohridski and Joisp Broz Tito in Bitola
Les bons amis t’aident à retrouver ton sourire, ton espoir et ton courage.
Ogni bambino ha diritto di essere sano.
Rêver seul ne reste qu’un rêve ! Rêver ensemble devient la réalité.
Qui est en bonne santé, est riche sans le savoir.
L’amore vince tutto!
Etre rare, c’est être fort. !

Todor Angjeleski school in Bitola

All activities of LIFE WITH CHALLENGES are supported by:

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