Call for abstracts – Scientific meeting on Rare diseases, 7-9 June, 2019, Struga, Hotel Drim

Call for abstracts – Scientific meeting on Rare diseases, 7-9 June, 2019, Struga, Hotel Drim

Call for Abstracts – poster presentations

7th SoutheEastern European Rare Disease Conference, Ohrid 7-9 June 2019

 The program for the meeting is available on the following link

7th Rare Diseases in South East Europe Meeting 7-9 June, 2019


Official languages is English.


The Organising Committee invites authors to submit Abstracts for consideration for presentation and inclusion in the programme.


Abstract must be submitted electronically through the following e mail address <>, no later than May 1st, 2019.


Spacing: Abstracts must be typed at 12 points, in Times New Roman, single-spaced in English and should contain no more than 300 words, including the title, authors, institutions and the body of the abstract (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion).



Title: In capital letters, neither underlined nor bold. Do not identify yourself in the title.

Author(s): Not in capital letters. Write the initials of first names first, and then family names. Only the presenting author must be underlined. The underlined name must be the same as indicated in the address for correspondence.

Affiliation: Not in capital letters. When more than one institution is mentioned, please identify them with superscript numerals and not with symbols (e.g. P. Dow1, G. Sute2, 1University of Leeds, 2University of Berlin, etc.).

Text: Tables are only accepted without gridlines. Use only well-known abbreviations or explain abbreviations the first time they appear.

Conditions: The material in the Abstract must be original and must not have been published or presented previously at an international meeting.


Authors will receive a notification of acceptance or rejection for presentation by 20 May 2019.


The Electronic poster presentations will be shown on a plasma screen during the congress and will be presented by the authors at the poster sessions.


On Behalf of the Organization Committee of the 7th South Eastern European Rare Disease Conference

Prof. Velibor Tasic


“Life with Challenges”

Research center for genetic engineering and biotechnology “Georgi D. Efremov”  and

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Macedonian Society for Rare Diseases

University Children’s Hospital Skopje

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